Friday, July 17, 2009

That's Right! I'm perfect.

Today was pretty uneventful. Felt blah-zay for most of it. The simple joys of being a woman if ya know what I mean. Jake came home and we watched movies, ordered pizza and I had a ginormous craving for ice cream.....doesn't happen often...but when it does it's like crack to a fiend. Gotta have it!

So we took a trip to the grocery store and I picked out the low-fat ice cream (of course). Jake got a few things and then we headed home. Now the difference between Jake & I is that he can eat pizza and regular ice cream and feel fine about himself. Me? Never. It's almost absurd to think I could eat so much junk and be okay with it...I mean right? That's the story of every woman!

When did society find it right and just to make women feel like they have to obtain a figure virtually unattainable? It's so ingrained in our culture. Women naturally hold onto more body fat than men...and the pressure is on the woman to be a size 2,4, 8 is pushing it in the fashion industry. When Ozzy's daughter was a healthy size 8 the tabloids called her "obese"!!!! In a Women's Studies course during college I learned that the stereotypical "Model" figure society looks at as the "Holy Grail" of sizes actually mirrored Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome in women.

I remember a message from Lisa Bevere that impacted how I viewed myself and my body. Throughout my teens and very early twenties I struggled with eating disorders and self image. I finally have come to terms with my body because of her message. She said after four children and weight fluctuation of seventy pounds. She prayed for God to give her the body he wanted her to have. She's been the same weight ever since.

God didn't make women in a cookie cutter image...and we shouldn't want to look like what society would have us to be....But the body our Heavenly Father gave us. He made us a certain way so that we could live out his perfect will for our lives. In his image ...we are perfect.

Psalm 139:13-14 (New King James Version)
For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.